Theatrics Of Success

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The Theatrics of Success is a self-mastery guide to
Write – Act – Direct – Produce the life you desire. Personally Empowered driven life achievement. Business leaders, Entreprenuers, stay at home parents, Students… have benefited from building their Hero’s muscles.
Journey from the Land Of Make Believe to the Land Of Make and Believe by using the Inivisible Powers of the Theatrical Archetypes. Tap into these invisible life-force powers to build and develop the traits you need to succeed.
This book might just save your life.


Invisible Powers

The Writer

The Writer Architype is the discoverer, creator, and evaluator. And is the creator of the three life scripts of life. In addition, the Life Scripts tell the story of your life from start to finish. For instance, Your First Script or Back Story, your Second Script, and Third Life Script...

The Producer

The Producer Archetype is a leader. The producer knows how to employ and build success supporting teams. In addition, has excellent communication skills that influences development. Above all, The Producer is the Torchbearer leading the way and holding the vision, Purpose and Why alive.

The Director

The Director Archetype is your guide. In another words, Your Personal Inner Life Coach. Directing the how to achieve, yet with the intention on the where. Similarly, The Director helps guide you in taking back control of the direction of your life through specific methods.

The Actor

The Actor Archetype is the Face of your life production. Moreover, it’s the part of you that reflects how you show up or not in your life. Are you taking the right action that will save the life you want or not? In other words, ‘To Act or Not to Act’. The value of your actions and their worth toward achieving certain desired results.